SUSANNE ACKSTALLER A FEATURED GUEST IN OUR BLOG. Susanne Ackstaller has been an influencer from the get-go. She’s been blogging “For women. Not girls.” at since back in 2009. And: She’s a customer who is delighted with KATHARINA HOVMAN. Not to mention that the feeling is mutual, because we love Susanne aka* Texterella for her joie de vivre and the inspirational vitality she brings (not only) to fashion. In her book “Die beste Zeit für guten Stil” (‘The Best Time for Good Style’) she devoted one of her “key piece” chapters to the WHITE BLOUSE and brought up the subject of our TAFFETAS there, too. Which is not the only reason why we’ve invited Susanne to write for us: about white blouses and why every woman needs (at least) one.
KATHARINA HOVMAN: “Susanne Ackstaller is simply an amazing woman: ingeniously bright, inspiring, who takes her clothing size in stride with no ifs, ands, or buts.”
WHAT BECAME MY FIRST “HOVMAN” BLOUSE CAUGHT MY EYE DURING A SHOPPING TOUR of HAMBURG, long before Katharina and I crossed paths at a trade fair. I instantly fell in love with the material and styling of the Oversized Blouse in black – so much that, once I got home, the first thing I did was to order another one online. Quite a few blouses in the widest variety of colours and styles have joined them since. Yet the reason has always remained the same: the sensuous and, at the same time, practical material for the TAFFETAS and a design that, to put it plainly, always looks good, in larger sizes, too. Plus the intriguing details that make even classic blouses special.
KATHARINA HOVMAN: “The classic white blouse is often termed a BUSINESS BLOUSE. Unpretentious and reserved in its design, it equally provides the wearer with a timeless elegance that always suits the occasion.”
Naturally I have TAFFETAS in white, too. Though I don’t wear them every day, I do fairly often. A white blouse adds something special to the day, something graciously refined. Nothing’s every day about white. It might be because this colour was once reserved for nobility and the wealthy, since white fabric gets soiled faster and consequently has to be washed more often. It’s still a bit like that, even to this day. And with a TAFFETA from KATHARINA HOVMAN you’re clearly at an advantage, because these blouses can be washed in a jiffy, even in the smallest sink, and don’t even have to be ironed. Add bright red lipstick – and it’s already turned into a look! By the way, I’d call the notion that white doesn’t look good on some women a rumour. There are so many different shades of white – cooler and warmer – that there’s the right one for every woman.
KATHARINA HOVMAN: “The look BOYFRIEND SHIRT is always a bit too large, as if the right size was fresh out of stock. But that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be, because the men’s shirt was the idea behind it. Fresh and airy, the white shirt worn casually over pants as if by chance – that’s how we love it.”
As a big fan, I devoted a chapter all its own to white blouses in my book on fashion, “Die beste Zeit für guten Stil”(‘The Best Time for Good Style’) (published in February 2021 by Knesebeck Verlag). Not just because they’re classics. It’s simply because white blouses always go well: with jeans, an outfit, a sequined skirt. There are few pieces of clothing that are so flexible and adaptable. And only logical that I wanted to have KATHARINA HOVMAN among them. After all, no one masters the out-of-the-ordinary twist that makes classic blouses so special as well as she does.
KATHARINA HOVMAN: “THE UNIQUELY SPECIAL. Broad collars, long cuffs, drapings, ruffles and wrap effects – these are the ingredients for an accomplished appearance. Volume is the factor played with here, but luxuriant necklines can be the eye-catcher and set the tone as well.”
With “Die beste Zeit für guten Stil”(‘The Best Time for Good Style’) I want to inspire women and encourage them to find their own style and wear it, too. Let’s call it “fashion empowerment”! Why? We don’t have to prove anything to anyone anymore. All we have to do is to please ourselves. And incidentally, no one has to turn themselves into a“fashionista” as a result. The 11 women between 46 and 69 portrayed in the book prove the point. And by the way, all of them love white blouses.
Anyone whose curiosity has been aroused can read a sample excerpt chapter here (link to my posting in German on Texterella). “Die beste Zeit für guten Stil” can be bought on the internet and at every favorite bookstore.
*aka = also known as
Copy: Susanne Ackstaller/Photos:Philine von Sell